Sharbot Lake Property Owners’ Association
2007 Annual General Meeting
Held at the Oso Town Hall
Sat 21 July 2007
The meeting commenced at 10:00 am and Rem Westland (President) welcomed the 55 members and guests and introduced the Executive. In attendance from the executive were Bill Wilson (Vice President), Ken Waller (Secretary-Treasurer) and Paul King (Past President).
Address by the Mayor of Central Frontenac
Mayor Janet Gutowski provided a summary of major Township issues over the previous year. This included:
Minutes of the 2006 AGM – Ken Waller, Secretary/Treasurer summarized the minutes of the 2007 AGM (copies were available for review)
Ken Waller summarized the SLPOA Executive’s reasons behind recommending the creation of the executive position of Environmental Issues Coordinator. Specifically:
Bill Wilson discussed the website activity and the use that is being made of it by literally thousands of people over the past year.
He reviewed the 2007 newsletter, sent out in June, and advised that there would only be one newsletter this year.
Main Agenda Item
MVC Watershed Watch Report- Susan Lee provided an excellent summary of the extensive water-quality analysis done on Sharbot Lake last year. In general the water quality in Sharbot Lake is good. However, in 2006, results for the east basin, a warm water basin, show that the phosphorous content had increased, especially in the bottom zone, where they are exceeding the recommended provincial guidelines.
Sharbot Lake was also tested for invasive species in 2006, in particular, for zebra mussels and spiny water flea, in partnership with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. Sharbot Lake did not have spiny water flea present in the samples collected however; zebra mussel veligers (larvae) were detected.
The Year Ahead - Bill Wilson
Business from the Floor/ Open Forum
A healthy discussion period ensued with people querying the sudden increase in algae blooms this year. Ihor Gawdan, the newly elected Environmental Issues Coordinator, agreed to investigate.
Conclusion of the AGM
There being no further business, Ken Waller presented a motion that the 2007 SLPOA AGM be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:00pm
Prepared by: Ken Waller, Vice-President
Approved by Bill Wilson, President
Sharbot Lake Property Owners’ Association
2007 Annual General Meeting
Held at the Oso Town Hall
Sat 21 July 2007
The meeting commenced at 10:00 am and Rem Westland (President) welcomed the 55 members and guests and introduced the Executive. In attendance from the executive were Bill Wilson (Vice President), Ken Waller (Secretary-Treasurer) and Paul King (Past President).
Address by the Mayor of Central Frontenac
Mayor Janet Gutowski provided a summary of major Township issues over the previous year. This included:
- A property tax rate increase of only 1.6% (to cover inflation) With the moratorium on MPAC reassessments still on, Individual taxes should only increase by the same amount.
- The Medical Centre expansion is progressing well. Expenses will be covered by the Province ($1.5 million) and by the Township ($0.5 million to be funded through debentures).
- A 5-mamber committee has been established to examine waste management. A report is due by Sep 08.
Only 3 major projects related to roads are expected to be completed. Others will have to wait for future years. - The Township now has a 7/24 phone line for road repairs.
- On the Uranium Mining issue, it is the Townships position that property owners, First Nations people and the Township should have been consulted before permission was given for exploratory drilling. The Township will push MPPs and MPs to keep the concerns of these groups in mind.
Minutes of the 2006 AGM – Ken Waller, Secretary/Treasurer summarized the minutes of the 2007 AGM (copies were available for review)
- Moved by Ken Waller, to accept the Minutes Moved
- Seconded by: Jane Berryman
- Carried
Ken Waller summarized the SLPOA Executive’s reasons behind recommending the creation of the executive position of Environmental Issues Coordinator. Specifically:
- The SLPOA involvement in environmental issues has increased significantly as has the number of environmental issues affecting the residents of Sharbot Lake. In order to properly assess these issues and review available information, a new position on the SLPOA executive is deemed by the executive to be necessary.
- It was therefore moved by Ken Waller that the SLPOA Constitution be amended to add the new executive position of Environmental Issues Coordinator.
- Specifically, it was proposed that the following changes be made:
- Article 3- Change the number of members on the executive from 6 to 7 and add the position of Environmental Issues Coordinator.
- Article 5, Section (1)- Add Environmental Issues Coordinator to the list of executive positions that are elected for a 2-year term.
- Article 5, Section 3, In the description of the duties of the Executive, add “and for the Environmental Issues Coordinator, being the point of contact and coordinator for issues relating to the environment.”
- The motion was seconded by Charmaine Jones
- Vote (2/3rds majority required): Passed unanimously
- President (2yr term)
- Nominations: Bill Wilson
- Result: Acclamation
- Vice-President (2yr term)
- Nominations: Ken Waller
- Result: Acclamation
- Secretary Treasurer (2yr term)
- Nominations: Joyce Waller
- Result: Acclamation
- Environmental Issues Coordinator
- Nominations: Ihor Gowdan
- Result: Acclamation
- Members-at-Large (2) (1yr term)
- Nominations: Marie Laforest, Paul King
- Result: Acclamation
- Ken Waller gave a summary of the membership statistics:
- Total paid membership for 2006/07 was 233. This was up significantly from the 185 of the previous year but below the 257 of 2004/05.
- He also reported a shortage in Area Representatives. We have divided up the Sharbot Lake area into 25 zones. Unfortunately we only have reps for 17 of them. Ken asked for any interested individuals to contact him (nil response at the time of writing of these minutes)
- Financial Report
- Ken Waller presented the 2006/07 financial report. The SLPOA is in a good financial position. Income was $3352.23 and expenses were $5, 071.09. The expenses included $1080 for future-year insurance and $500 for a one-time contribution to Mississippi Valley Conservation for extensive water quality assessment of Sharbot Lake.
- Moved by Ken Waller that the financial report be accepted as presented.
- Seconded by Marie Laforest
- Vote: Carried unanimously
Bill Wilson discussed the website activity and the use that is being made of it by literally thousands of people over the past year.
He reviewed the 2007 newsletter, sent out in June, and advised that there would only be one newsletter this year.
Main Agenda Item
MVC Watershed Watch Report- Susan Lee provided an excellent summary of the extensive water-quality analysis done on Sharbot Lake last year. In general the water quality in Sharbot Lake is good. However, in 2006, results for the east basin, a warm water basin, show that the phosphorous content had increased, especially in the bottom zone, where they are exceeding the recommended provincial guidelines.
Sharbot Lake was also tested for invasive species in 2006, in particular, for zebra mussels and spiny water flea, in partnership with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. Sharbot Lake did not have spiny water flea present in the samples collected however; zebra mussel veligers (larvae) were detected.
The Year Ahead - Bill Wilson
Business from the Floor/ Open Forum
A healthy discussion period ensued with people querying the sudden increase in algae blooms this year. Ihor Gawdan, the newly elected Environmental Issues Coordinator, agreed to investigate.
Conclusion of the AGM
There being no further business, Ken Waller presented a motion that the 2007 SLPOA AGM be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:00pm
Prepared by: Ken Waller, Vice-President
Approved by Bill Wilson, President