The executive has put together a Fall newsletter for your review. We hope that you will take the time to review it as there are various items of interest:
1. There is a presentation to Council this Tuesday September 24th: "to investigate the formulation and implementation of a comprehensive septic system re-inspection program for the township and further that Council establish a committee to undertake this investigation" We hope you will be able to attend to provide your support.
2. Interesting articles on Blue-green algae and Environmental Stewardship from the summer edition of Cottage Life.
3. Information regarding Lake Development in the West Basin that has been classed Trout Sensitive.
4. A note about Chinese Flying Lanterns and what is being said in the province.
5. Evergreening the Lake Plan and changes to the SLPOA website.
6. Lake Links session in Perth on October 19th and hoping to see you there.
If you have any topics of interest that you would like to discuss with the executive or if you would like to volunteer on an initiative we look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes for the off-season.
From your executive.