Membership Purchase/Renewal

Please contact our Secretary Treasurer if you wish to volunteer or would like to become a member but don't want to pay via PayPal or credit card.
SLPOA membership years run from July 1st to June 30th

Memberships purchased between April 1st and June 30th apply to the next membership year
example 1: a purchase made on January 20th, 2016 would apply to membership year 15/16
example 2: a purchase made on May 18th, 2016 would apply to membership year 16/17

E-transfers for payment of membership is a new option for payment of dues. E-transfers can be sent to (auto deposit is in place). In the message area please provide your name, e-mail address, lake address and home address if different as well as a telephone number.  If you have any questions please contact me at:

Please note: By becoming a member you acknowledge that the association will use your email address to provide you with information relative to the association and sessions of interest.